ARI has served non-profits and associations exclusively since 1984

Founded in 1984 by Michael S. Sherman, Association Research, Inc., (ARI) develops and produces surveys, statistics, and economic research exclusively for nonprofit trade and professional associations, charitable organizations, and foundations. Since that time, we have consulted with and served hundreds of associations, many on a recurring basis. The long-term partnerships we enjoy with many of our clients exemplifies our commitment to them and their organizations as well as the trust they have placed in ARI’s capabilities.
ARI's primary product is customized survey research. As a small company, we are able to provide this personalized service. Additionally, we have a long-standing and dedicated staff who have many years of experience working exclusively with association staff. Our smaller size allows us to be more flexible, and we take pride in completing our projects on time and within our clients’ budgets.
Furthermore, ARI can manage your entire survey project or only the parts that you need to outsource. As a third-party fiduciary, the confidentiality we offer association members encourages them to reveal their true thoughts or feelings or to share proprietary data.
Our services include consulting and survey design; survey administration; data collection; and statistical tabulation, analysis, and reporting. To gather the data we need, we utilize online and mail surveys, focus groups (online and in-person), and personal interviews. ARI’s specialties are in conducting member needs/satisfaction surveys, meeting evaluations, compensation & benefits surveys, benchmarking surveys, industry profiles, and business trends/conditions.

Our Philosophy
ARI's philosophy is simple—support the association membership and help the association’s professional staff achieve their goals. We consistently deliver strong insights for our clients that position them as industry leaders, and we provide the data needed to ensure their success. Our reputation for customized service is grounded in this firm commitment.
ARI is unique because we restrict our clientele exclusively to non-profits and associations; we do not work for for-profit companies or offer consulting and research services to members of any of our non-profit clients—a distinct confidentiality safeguard. Our third-party status is often used when promoting survey participation as respondents, in general, feel more comfortable completing a survey if they know that a third party is fielding and analyzing the data.
ARI is a member in good standing of Insights Association, a marketing research & analytics association inspired by the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) and the Marketing Research Association (MRA) that represents commercial survey research companies. One of the organization’s principal objectives is to protect the public's rights and privacy by requiring a commitment to its “Code of Standards.”
ARI Staff
ARI’s team has more than 100 years of combined research experience, using best practices to deliver strong insights for our clients and position them as industry leaders.
ARI clients can count on being served by a talented and experienced team of professionals with top-notch survey research, statistical, and analytical skills. In combination, technical competence and practical experience assure research products that are sound in both substance and perspective.
Megan Kirkegaard
Vice President
Mike Egart
Vice President of Economic Research
Ashraf Abdul-Mohsen, Ph.D.
Editor, Special Projects
Maureen Martin
ARI's professional reach is extended and supplemented by associates who are specialists in specific areas of consulting and research and programming.